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26752: Make a character write on a blackboard
The address of this interruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer by the routines at 32497 and 61696.
H Character number (201-204, 206)
26752 CALL 26453 Collect information about the board
26755 INC B Point BC at the second byte of the board's buffer
26756 LD C,B
26757 LD B,127
26759 LD A,(BC) Pick this up in A
26760 AND A Has the board been written on already?
26761 JP NZ,25488 Terminate this interruptible subcommand if so
26764 LD A,H A=character's number
26765 LD (BC),A Signal: this character wrote on the board
26766 DEC C Point BC at the first byte of the board's buffer (32596, 32602, 32608, 32614 or 32620) and initialise the pixel column to 1
26767 LD A,1
26769 LD (BC),A
26770 LD L,16 Make sure there are no (sub)submessage addresses lying around in bytes 13-16 of the character's buffer
26772 LD (HL),0
26774 LD L,14
26776 LD (HL),0
26778 LD A,H A=character's number (201-204, 206)
26779 CP 206 Set E as follows: 32=MR WITHIT, 38=MR ROCKITT, 44=MR CREAK, 50=MISS TAKE, 56=BOY WANDER
26781 ADC A,59
26783 LD E,A
26784 ADC A,A
26785 ADD A,E
26786 ADD A,A
26787 LD E,A
26788 CALL 25233 Collect a random number between 0 and 5 in A
26791 AND 7
26793 CP 6
26795 JR NC,26788
26797 ADD A,E Now E=blackboard message number
26798 LD E,A
26799 LD D,254 Pick up the address of the message and place it into bytes 11 and 12 of the character's buffer
26801 LD L,11
26803 LD A,(DE)
26804 LD (HL),A
26805 INC D
26806 INC L
26807 LD A,(DE)
26808 LD (HL),A
26809 LD L,9 Replace the address of this routine in bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer with 26813 (below)
26811 LD (HL),189
26813 CALL 26513 Write one letter on the board
26816 JR NZ,26829 Jump unless the character has finished writing
This entry point is used by the routine at 27904.
26818 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
26821 AND 248 A=base animatory state of the character (arm down)
26823 CALL 24880 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
26826 JP 25488 Terminate this interruptible subcommand
The character hasn't finished writing yet. Figure out his next arm movement (up or down).
26829 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
26832 RRCA Set the carry flag if the character's arm is raised
26833 RLCA
26834 JR C,26841 Jump if the character's arm is raised
26836 OR 7 A=animatory state of the character with his arm up
26838 JP 24880 Update the character's animatory state and location and update the SRB
26841 AND 248 A=base animatory state of character (arm down)
26843 JR 26838 Jump back to update the SRB
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