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F4FA: Open the lip of the speech bubble
Used by the routine at 734E. Removes the solid line above the lip of the speech bubble, thus 'opening' it.
DE Coordinates of the speech bubble lip
F4FA LD A,E UDG references 0xF8-0xFF correspond to the 8 UDGs that make up the bottom half of the speech bubble; set E to the reference of the UDG that is above the lip
F4FB AND $07
F500 LD C,$03 We need to adjust the UDGs for each third of the skool
F502 LD H,$7F
F504 LD B,$08 8 UDGs make up the bottom half of the speech bubble
F506 LD A,H Point HL at the bottom pixel row of the UDG for the bottom-left corner of the speech bubble
F507 ADD A,B
F508 LD H,A
F509 LD A,E
F50A LD L,$F8
F50C LD (HL),$7E Open the bottom edge (0x81=10000001) of this speech bubble UDG if the lip is underneath, or close it (0x7E=01111110) otherwise
F50F JR NZ,$F513
F511 LD (HL),$81
F513 INC L Move HL to the next UDG along the bottom of the speech bubble
F514 DJNZ $F50C Jump back until the lip is open and the others are closed
F516 DEC C Next third of the skool
F517 JR NZ,$F504 Jump back until the UDGs for each third of the skool have been modified
F519 JP $72D2 Update the SRB for the middle 6 UDG columns of the bubble
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