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Routines |
Prev: 6F1A | Up: Map | Next: 6F75 |
6F1E | LD L,$70 | Return now if there is an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x6F and 0x70 of ANGELFACE's buffer (meaning he is currently occupied) | ||||||
6F20 | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
6F21 | AND A | |||||||
6F22 | RET NZ | |||||||
6F23 | LD L,$60 | Byte 0x60 holds ANGELFACE's animatory state | ||||||
6F25 | BIT 0,(HL) | Is ANGELFACE midstride? | ||||||
6F27 | RET NZ | Return if so | ||||||
6F28 | INC L | Byte 0x61 holds ANGELFACE's y-coordinate | ||||||
6F29 | LD A,(HL) | Pick this up in A | ||||||
6F2A | CALL $6649 | Is ANGELFACE on a staircase? | ||||||
6F2D | RET NZ | Return if so | ||||||
6F2E | CALL $6E3C | Can any teachers see ANGELFACE? | ||||||
6F31 | RET C | Return if so | ||||||
ANGELFACE is not on a staircase, and there are no teachers nearby. Are there any potential victims nearby?
6F32 | LD L,$62 | Byte 0x62 holds ANGELFACE's x-coordinate | ||||||
6F34 | LD A,(HL) | Pick this up in A | ||||||
6F35 | DEC L | Pick up ANGELFACE's y-coordinate in D | ||||||
6F36 | LD D,(HL) | |||||||
6F37 | DEC L | L=0x60 (which byte holds ANGELFACE's animatory state) | ||||||
6F38 | SUB $03 | Set A equal to the 'target' x-coordinate (i.e. where a character would have to be in order to receive ANGELFACE's punch) | ||||||
6F3A | BIT 7,(HL) | |||||||
6F3C | JR Z,$6F40 | |||||||
6F3E | ADD A,$06 | |||||||
6F40 | LD E,A | Place the target x-coordinate in E | ||||||
6F41 | LD C,(HL) | C=ANGELFACE's animatory state | ||||||
6F42 | LD H,$AC | 0xAC=ERIC | ||||||
6F44 | CALL $6F00 | Is ERIC a potential target? | ||||||
6F47 | JR NC,$6F56 | Jump if not | ||||||
6F49 | NOP | |||||||
If we get here, there is a potential victim in front of ANGELFACE for him to take a swing at.
6F4A | POP HL | Drop the return address (6254) from the stack; this makes the character-moving routine at 6226 skip any further consideration of ANGELFACE on this pass, thus preventing him from moving midstride before throwing the punch | ||||||
6F4B | LD HL,$A871 | Point HL at byte 0x71 of ANGELFACE's buffer | ||||||
6F4E | LD (HL),C | Store his current animatory state there | ||||||
6F4F | DEC L | Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 6F80 (throw a punch) into bytes 0x6F and 0x70 of ANGELFACE's buffer | ||||||
6F50 | LD (HL),$6F | |||||||
6F52 | DEC L | |||||||
6F53 | LD (HL),$80 | |||||||
6F55 | RET | |||||||
ERIC is not a potential target for ANGELFACE's fist. What about the other main kids?
6F56 | LD H,$A9 | 0xA9=EINSTEIN | ||||||
6F58 | LD B,$03 | There are three main kids | ||||||
6F5A | CALL $6F00 | Is this main kid a potential target? | ||||||
6F5D | JR NC,$6F61 | Jump if not | ||||||
6F5F | JR $6F4A | Otherwise throw a punch | ||||||
6F61 | DEC H | Next main kid | ||||||
6F62 | DJNZ $6F5A | Jump back until the three main kids have been checked | ||||||
EINSTEIN and BOY WANDER weren't potential targets either. What about the little boys?
6F64 | LD H,$98 | 0x98=little boy no. 1 | ||||||
6F66 | LD B,$07 | We check only the first seven little boys - interesting! | ||||||
6F68 | CALL $6F00 | Is this little boy a potential target? | ||||||
6F6B | JR NC,$6F6F | Jump if not | ||||||
6F6D | JR $6F4A | Otherwise throw a punch | ||||||
6F6F | INC H | Next little boy | ||||||
6F70 | DJNZ $6F68 | Jump back until the seven little boys have been checked | ||||||
6F72 | LD H,$A8 | Restore ANGELFACE's character number to H | ||||||
6F74 | RET |
Prev: 6F1A | Up: Map | Next: 6F75 |