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E7E8: Move a row of the screen left, right, up or down
Used by the routines at E80E (to move a row left), E845 (to move a row right), E87C (to move a row up) and E8B7 (to move a row down).
DE Destination attribute file address
HL Source attribute file address
E7E8 XOR A Set A=0 initially to indicate that we are copying a row of attribute bytes first
E7E9 PUSH HL Save the source attribute file address
E7EA PUSH DE Save the destination attribute file address
E7EB LD BC,$001F The operand of this instruction is set to 001F by the routines at E80E and E845, and to 0020 by the routines at E87C, E8B7 and FC6A
E7EE LDDR This instruction is set to LDIR by the routines at E80E, E87C, E8B7 and FC6A, and to LDDR by the routine at E845; it copies the source row of attribute bytes or pixels to the destination row
E7F0 POP DE Restore the destination attribute file address to DE
E7F1 POP HL Restore the source attribute file address to HL
E7F2 AND A Have we just copied a row of attribute bytes?
E7F3 JR Z,$E7FB Jump if so to point DE and HL at the corresponding display file bytes
E7F5 INC D Otherwise point DE and HL at the next destination and source rows of pixels
E7F7 DEC A Have we copied 8 rows of pixels yet?
E7F8 JR NZ,$E7E9 Jump back if not
E7FB LD A,H Set HL to the display file address that corresponds to the source attribute file address
E800 ADD A,A
E801 LD H,A
E802 LD A,D Set DE to the display file address that corresponds to the destination attribute file address
E803 AND $0B
E805 ADD A,A
E806 ADD A,A
E807 ADD A,A
E808 LD D,A
E809 LD A,$08 There are 8 rows of pixels to copy
E80B JR $E7E9 Jump back to copy them
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