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7A17: Check whether Sam has dialled a valid telephone number
Used by the routine at 77D3. Returns with the zero flag set if Sam has dialled a valid telephone number, and with the telephone identifier in A.
7A17 LD HL,$6B4A Point HL at the end of the phone number and location table at 6B00
7A1A LD C,$0F There are 15 entries to check
7A1C LD DE,$7F95 Point DE at the last digit of the phone number dialled by Sam (stored at 7F92)
7A1F LD B,$04 There are 4 digits in a phone number
7A21 LD A,(DE) A=digit of the phone number dialled by Sam
7A22 CP (HL) Compare it with that of a phone number in the table
7A23 DEC HL Point HL at the previous digit of the phone number
7A24 DEC DE Point DE at the previous digit dialled by Sam
7A25 JR NZ,$7A2C Jump if there's no match
7A27 DJNZ $7A21 Jump back until all 4 digits have been compared
7A29 LD A,(HL) A=identifier of the matching telephone
7A2A RET Return with the zero flag set
7A2B DEC HL Point HL at the first byte of the phone number entry (the telephone identifier)
7A2E DEC HL Point HL at the last digit of the previous phone number in the table
7A2F DEC C Are there any more phone numbers to check?
7A30 JR NZ,$7A1C Jump back if so
7A32 AND A Reset the zero flag
7A33 RET
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