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6FF4: Update the telephone icon
Used by the routine at 7425. The main entry point is used to make the telephone appear to vibrate as if ringing.
6FF4 LD HL,$7032 Point HL at the graphic data for the telephone when ringing (at 7032)
This entry point is also used by the routine at 7425 to make the telephone appear still (as between rings, or when not ringing).
6FFA LD HL,$7045 Point HL at the graphic data for the telephone when not ringing (at 7045)
6FFD LD DE,$50AE Point DE at the display file address of the top pixel row of the top-left tile of the telephone icon
7000 LD A,$06 Update the top six pixel rows of the top two tiles of the telephone icon
7002 LDI
7004 LDI
7006 DEC E
7007 DEC E
7008 INC D
7009 DEC A
700A JR NZ,$7002
700C LD A,(HL) Update the bottom two pixel rows of the top-left tile of the telephone icon
700D LD (DE),A
700E INC L
700F INC D
7010 LD A,(HL)
7011 LD (DE),A
7012 LD B,$03 There are three more pixel rows to update
7014 LD DE,$50CE Point DE at the display file address of the top pixel row of the bottom-left tile of the telephone icon
7017 INC L Update the top three pixel rows of the bottom-left tile of the telephone icon
7018 LD A,(HL)
7019 LD (DE),A
701A INC D
701B DJNZ $7017
701D RET
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