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F900: UDG reference table for the skool gate when shut
Used by the routine at 6C18. The UDG reference table for the skool gate when open is at FA00.
F900 DEFB $11,$84,$51,$04,$11,$85,$51,$04,$11,$86,$FE,$84,$11,$87,$03,$C4
F910 DEFB $12,$84,$51,$04,$12,$85,$51,$04,$12,$86,$FE,$84,$12,$87,$03,$C4
F920 DEFB $13,$84,$51,$04,$13,$85,$51,$04,$13,$86,$CF,$44,$13,$87,$04,$C4
F930 DEFB $14,$86,$7A,$04,$14,$87,$05,$C4
F938 DEFB $FF End marker
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