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75FD: Check whether a pellet has hit a cup
Used by routine at 7615. Returns with the zero flag set if the pellet is about to hit a cup.
H Pellet's character number (0xD5 or 0xD6)
75FD LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the pellet's buffer
75FF LD E,(HL) E=pellet's x-coordinate
7600 INC L L=0x02
7601 LD D,(HL) D=pellet's y-coordinate
7602 INC E Adjust the coordinates for comparison with those of the cup
7603 INC D
7604 LD A,D A=pellet's (adjusted) y-coordinate
7605 CP $0E All the cups have a y-coordinate of 14
7607 RET NZ Return with the zero flag reset if the pellet's not at the right height to hit a cup
This entry point is used by the routine at 7316 with E holding the x-coordinate of ERIC's hand as he jumps off the saddle of the bike.
7608 LD A,E A=x-coordinate of the pellet or ERIC's hand
This entry point is used by the routine at FA4D with A holding the x-coordinate of the stream of water or sherry fired from the waterpistol.
7609 CP $19 Has the leftmost cup on the shelf in the boys' skool been hit?
760B RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
760C CP $1B Has the middle cup on the shelf in the boys' skool been hit?
760E RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
760F CP $1E Has the rightmost cup on the shelf in the boys' skool been hit?
7611 RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
7612 CP $BA Has the cup on the shelf in the girls' skool been hit?
7614 RET Return with the zero flag set if so
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