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62572: Restart the command list unless the boys' skool door is closed
Used by command lists 22 and 24. If the boys' skool door is open, makes MISS TAKE close the drinks cabinet door (if it's open) and restart the command list; otherwise moves to the next command in the command list.
62572 LD A,(32756) 32756 holds the door/window status flags
62575 BIT 3,A Is the boys' skool door closed?
62577 JP Z,25484 Move to the next command in the command list if so
62580 BIT 5,A Is the drinks cabinet door closed?
62582 JP Z,61624 Restart the command list if so
62585 LD L,20 Point HL at byte 20 of MISS TAKE's buffer
62587 LD (HL),0 Place 0 (close door) in byte 20, and 32 (bit 5 set: drinks cabinet door) in byte 19, ready for the routine at 28855
62589 DEC L
62590 LD (HL),32
62592 JP 28840 Close the drinks cabinet door
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