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61487: Make a teacher give lines to EINSTEIN or the kid he grassed up
Used by the routine at 61696. Makes a teacher give lines to EINSTEIN (for telling tales) 84 times out of 256, or give lines to the kid EINSTEIN grassed up (if any) the rest of the time.
B Reprimand message number
C Character number of the kid to give lines to (206, 208 or 210)
H Teacher's character number (201-203)
61487 CALL 25233 A=random number
61490 CP 84 Shall we give lines to EINSTEIN for telling tales?
61492 JR C,61500 Jump if so
61494 LD A,C A=character number of the kid to give lines to
61495 CP 208 Was EINSTEIN telling the teacher that ERIC is not in class?
61497 RET Z Return if so (there is no scapegoat to give lines to)
61498 JR 61504
61500 LD A,208 208=EINSTEIN
61502 LD B,85 Message 85: DON'T TELL TALES
This entry point also is used by the routine at 61696.
61504 PUSH HL
61505 CALL 29716 Give lines to EINSTEIN or the kid he grassed up
61508 POP HL
61509 RET
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