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57344: UDG reference table for the right study door when open
Used by the routine at 27672. The UDG reference table for the right study door when shut is at 57088.
57344 DEFB 2,84,185,196,2,85,186,198,2,86,187,198
57356 DEFB 3,84,188,198,3,85,189,198,3,86,118,70
57368 DEFB 4,84,190,198,4,85,191,198,4,86,192,198
57380 DEFB 5,84,58,198,5,85,193,206,5,86,194,206
57392 DEFB 6,84,58,198,6,85,81,14,6,86,195,206
57404 DEFB 255 End marker
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