Page Byte Address Description
91 0 23296
Message graphic buffer
104 0 26624
ASCII codes and routine addresses for the keypress offset table
104 31 26655
Input device indicator
104 32 26656
Keypress offset table
104 128 26752
ASCII codes and routine addresses for the keypress offset table
104 140 26764
Keypress vector table for keyboard input
104 150 26774
Keypress vector table for Int2 input
105 202 27082
Four skool locations
117 163 30115
Lines bubble edge graphics
119 144 30608
Skool region data table for the top floor
119 156 30620
Skool region data table for the middle floor
119 166 30630
Skool region data table for the bottom floor
122 24 31256
Data table for MR WACKER's questions and answers
122 26 31258
Data table for MR ROCKITT's questions and answers
122 34 31266
Data table for MR WITHIT's questions and answers
122 42 31274
Data table for MR CREAK's questions and answers
126 7 32263
Note duration and pitch data for tunes
126 97 32353
Theme tune data
126 178 32434
Data for the first part of the 'Got all shields/opened safe' tune
126 190 32446
Data for the second part of the 'Got all shields/opened safe' tune
128 0 32768
Skool graphic data for columns 0-31 (tiles 0-255)
136 0 34816
Skool graphic data for columns 32-63 (tiles 0-255)
144 0 36864
Skool graphic data for columns 64-95 (tiles 0-255)
152 0 38912
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 0
152 96 39008
Character buffer for little boy no. 1 (152)
152 128 39040
Skool attribute data for row 0
152 224 39136
Personal timetable for little boy no. 1 (152)
153 0 39168
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 1
153 96 39264
Character buffer for little boy no. 2 (153)
153 128 39296
Skool attribute data for row 1
153 224 39392
Personal timetable for little boy no. 2 (153)
154 0 39424
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 2
154 96 39520
Character buffer for little boy no. 3 (154)
154 128 39552
Skool attribute data for row 2
154 224 39648
Personal timetable for little boy no. 3 (154)
155 0 39680
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 3
155 96 39776
Character buffer for little boy no. 4 (155)
155 128 39808
Skool attribute data for row 3
155 224 39904
Personal timetable for little boy no. 4 (155)
156 0 39936
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 4
156 96 40032
Character buffer for little boy no. 5 (156)
156 128 40064
Skool attribute data for row 4
156 224 40160
Personal timetable for little boy no. 5 (156)
157 0 40192
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 5
157 96 40288
Character buffer for little boy no. 6 (157)
157 128 40320
Skool attribute data for row 5
157 224 40416
Personal timetable for little boy no. 6 (157)
158 0 40448
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 6
158 96 40544
Character buffer for little boy no. 7 (158)
158 128 40576
Skool attribute data for row 6
158 224 40672
Personal timetable for little boy no. 7 (158)
159 0 40704
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 7
159 96 40800
Character buffer for little boy no. 8 (159)
159 128 40832
Skool attribute data for row 7
159 224 40928
Personal timetable for little boy no. 8 (159)
160 0 40960
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 8
160 96 41056
Character buffer for little boy no. 9 (160)
160 128 41088
Skool attribute data for row 8
160 224 41184
Personal timetable for little boy no. 9 (160)
161 0 41216
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 9
161 96 41312
Character buffer for little boy no. 10 (161)
161 128 41344
Skool attribute data for row 9
161 224 41440
Personal timetable for little boy no. 10 (161)
162 0 41472
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 10
162 96 41568
Character buffer for little boy no. 11 (162)
162 128 41600
Skool attribute data for row 10
162 224 41696
Personal timetable for little boy no. 11 (162)
163 0 41728
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 11
163 96 41824
Character buffer for MR WACKER (163)
163 128 41856
Skool attribute data for row 11
163 224 41952
Personal timetable for MR WACKER (163)
164 0 41984
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 12
164 96 42080
Character buffer for MR ROCKITT (164)
164 128 42112
Skool attribute data for row 12
164 224 42208
Personal timetable for MR ROCKITT (164)
165 0 42240
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 13
165 96 42336
Character buffer for MR WITHIT (165)
165 128 42368
Skool attribute data for row 13
165 224 42464
Personal timetable for MR WITHIT (165)
166 0 42496
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 14
166 96 42592
Character buffer for MR CREAK (166)
166 128 42624
Skool attribute data for row 14
166 224 42720
Personal timetable for MR CREAK (166)
167 0 42752
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 15
167 96 42848
Character buffer for BOY WANDER (167)
167 128 42880
Skool attribute data for row 15
167 224 42976
Personal timetable for BOY WANDER (167)
168 0 43008
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 16
168 96 43104
Character buffer for ANGELFACE (168)
168 128 43136
Skool attribute data for row 16
168 224 43232
Personal timetable for ANGELFACE (168)
169 0 43264
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 17
169 96 43360
Character buffer for EINSTEIN (169)
169 128 43392
Skool attribute data for row 17
169 224 43488
Personal timetable for EINSTEIN (169)
170 0 43520
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 18
170 96 43616
Character buffer for BOY WANDER's pellet (170)
170 128 43648
Skool attribute data for row 18
170 224 43744
Personal timetable for BOY WANDER's pellet (170)
171 0 43776
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 19
171 96 43872
Character buffer for ERIC's pellet (171)
171 128 43904
Skool attribute data for row 19
171 224 44000
Personal timetable for ERIC's pellet (171)
172 0 44032
Skool UDG references (LSBs) for row 20
172 96 44128
Character buffer for ERIC (172)
172 128 44160
Skool attribute data for row 20
172 224 44256
Lesson descriptors
173 0 44288
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 0, column 0
173 127 44415
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 0, column 0
173 255 44543
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 0, column 0
174 0 44544
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 1, column 0
174 127 44671
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 1, column 0
174 255 44799
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 1, column 0
175 0 44800
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 2, column 0
175 127 44927
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 2, column 0
175 255 45055
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 2, column 0
176 0 45056
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 3, column 0
176 127 45183
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 3, column 0
176 255 45311
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 3, column 0
177 0 45312
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 0, column 1
177 127 45439
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 0, column 1
177 255 45567
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 0, column 1
178 0 45568
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 1, column 1
178 127 45695
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 1, column 1
178 255 45823
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 1, column 1
179 0 45824
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 2, column 1
179 127 45951
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 2, column 1
179 255 46079
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 2, column 1
180 0 46080
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 3, column 1
180 127 46207
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 3, column 1
180 255 46335
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 3, column 1
181 0 46336
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 0, column 2
181 127 46463
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 0, column 2
181 255 46591
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 0, column 2
182 0 46592
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 1, column 2
182 127 46719
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 1, column 2
182 255 46847
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 1, column 2
183 0 46848
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 2, column 2
183 127 46975
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 2, column 2
183 255 47103
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 2, column 2
184 0 47104
UDG references for animatory states 0-103 at row 3, column 2
184 127 47231
UDG references for animatory states 127-231 at row 3, column 2
184 255 47359
UDG reference for animatory state 255 at row 3, column 2
185 0 47360
Sprite graphic data for the boys and the catapult pellet
201 0 51456
Sprite graphic data for the teachers
217 0 55552
Number string and graphic buffer
217 32 55584
Font character bitmap widths for CHR$(32-127)
218 32 55840
Font graphic data for CHR$(32-127) (pixel column 1)
219 0 56064
Initial animatory states of the characters
219 32 56096
Font graphic data for CHR$(32-127) (pixel column 2)
220 0 56320
Initial x-coordinates of the characters
220 32 56352
Font graphic data for CHR$(32-127) (pixel column 3)
221 0 56576
Initial byte 122 of the character buffers
221 32 56608
Font graphic data for CHR$(32-127) (pixel column 4)
222 32 56864
Font graphic data for CHR$(32-127) (pixel column 5)
234 0 59904
Temporary store for the part of the screen overwritten by a lines bubble
235 0 60160
Lines bubble graphic template 1
236 0 60416
Lines bubble graphic template 2
237 0 60672
Lesson box graphic buffer
238 0 60928
'Score - 0 Lines - 0 Hi-Sc - 0' box graphic
239 0 61184
Skool Daze logo
250 219 64219
Command list 222: Mumps duty
250 230 64230
Command list 208: Tell ERIC about EINSTEIN or BOY WANDER
250 240 64240
Command list 210: Tell ERIC about ANGELFACE
250 255 64255
Command list 220: Mumps walkabout
251 9 64265
Command list 212: Grass on ERIC
251 32 64288
Command list 214: Wait for EINSTEIN to grass on ERIC
251 58 64314
Command list 216: Collect the pea-shooter
251 85 64341
Command list 218: Look for the pea-shooter
251 128 64384
Command list 128: Map Room - teacher
251 154 64410
Command list 130: Reading Room - teacher
251 180 64436
Command list 132: Exam Room - teacher
251 202 64458
Command list 134: White Room - teacher
251 228 64484
Command list 136: Map Room - little boy
251 237 64493
Command list 138: Do nothing
251 240 64496
Command list 140: Map Room - BOY WANDER
252 4 64516
Command list 142: Map Room - ANGELFACE
252 24 64536
Command list 144: Map Room - EINSTEIN
252 36 64548
Command list 146: Reading Room - little boy
252 48 64560
Command list 148: Reading Room - BOY WANDER
252 75 64587
Command list 150: Reading Room - ANGELFACE
252 95 64607
Command list 152: Reading Room - EINSTEIN
252 107 64619
Command list 154: Exam Room - little boy
252 119 64631
Command list 156: Exam Room - BOY WANDER
252 146 64658
Command list 158: Exam Room - ANGELFACE
252 166 64678
Command list 160: Exam Room - EINSTEIN
252 178 64690
Command list 162: White Room - little boy
252 190 64702
Command list 164: White Room - BOY WANDER
252 217 64729
Command list 166: White Room - ANGELFACE
252 237 64749
Command list 168: White Room - EINSTEIN
252 249 64761
Command list 170: Dinner - EINSTEIN/little boy
253 1 64769
Command list 172: Dinner - BOY WANDER
253 17 64785
Command list 174: Dinner - ANGELFACE
253 33 64801
Command list 176: Revision Library - EINSTEIN/little boy
253 41 64809
Command list 178: Revision Library - BOY WANDER
253 57 64825
Command list 180: Revision Library - ANGELFACE
253 73 64841
Command list 182: Walkabout - ANGELFACE
253 89 64857
Command list 184: Dinner duty
253 101 64869
Command list 186: Head's study - MR WACKER
253 108 64876
Command list 188: Staff room - teacher
253 115 64883
Command list 190: Walkabout - teacher
253 124 64892
Command list 192: Write on the boards - BOY WANDER
253 146 64914
Command list 196: Walkabout
253 155 64923
Command list 198: Walk around the fire escape
253 163 64931
Command list 200: Walk around the gym
253 171 64939
Command list 202: Walk around the big window
253 179 64947
Command list 204: Stampede - leader
253 207 64975
Command list 206: Stampede - follower
253 220 64988
Command list 194: Walkabout - BOY WANDER
254 0 65024
Main timetable
254 128 65152
Addresses of command lists