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63456: Make MR WACKER give ERIC 2000 lines
Used by command lists 214 (after EINSTEIN has told MR WACKER what ERIC's up to) and 218 (after MR WACKER has found the pea-shooter on the fire escape).
63456 LD BC,56832 56832: 'TAKE 2000 LINES YOU NASTY BOY'
63459 CALL 32038 Make MR WACKER say this
63462 LD HL,(32710) Add 2000 lines to ERIC's total (stored at 32710)
63465 LD DE,200
63468 ADD HL,DE
63469 LD (32710),HL
63472 LD DE,20956 Print the new lines total
63475 CALL 30408
63478 LD A,1 Set the MSB of the lesson clock to 1 so that the lesson will end soon
63480 LD (32760),A
63483 JP 25256 Move to the next command in MR WACKER's command list
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