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64618: Scroll the screen up and down 7 times
Used by the routine at 64338 to scroll the screen up and down a row 7 times when Sam hits the ground after being dropped from the roof of a building by a gangster.
64618 LD HL,59552 Change the instruction at 59552 to RET
64621 LD (HL),201
64623 LD L,220 Change the instruction at 59612 to RET
64625 LD (HL),201
64627 LD HL,59372 Set the instruction at 59371 to 'LD BC,32'
64630 LD (HL),32
64632 LD L,239 Set the instruction at 59374 to 'LDIR'
64634 LD (HL),176
64636 LD H,7 We will scroll the screen up and down a row 7 times
64638 PUSH HL Save the scroll counter
64639 LD HL,16384 Save the top 8 rows of pixels on the screen in page 126
64642 LD DE,32256
64645 LD BC,32
64648 LD A,8
64650 LDIR
64652 INC H
64653 LD L,B
64654 LD C,32
64656 DEC A
64657 JR NZ,64650
64659 LD H,88 Save the top row of attribute bytes (22528-22559) in the first 32 bytes of the screen refresh buffer at 32512
64661 LDIR
64663 CALL 59528 Scroll the screen up a row
64666 LD HL,20576 Fill the top line of bytes on the 20th row of the screen with 9s; this is a bug
64669 LD B,32
64671 LD (HL),9
64673 INC L
64674 DJNZ 64671
64676 POP HL Restore the scroll counter (1-7) to H
64677 PUSH HL Save the scroll counter again
64678 LD A,H Prepare the sound effect parameters
64679 LD DE,384
64682 LD C,192
64684 CALL 64740 Make a sound effect
64687 CALL 59587 Scroll the screen down a row
64690 LD HL,32256 Restore the top 8 rows of pixels on the screen from page 126
64693 LD DE,16384
64696 LD A,8
64698 LD C,32
64700 LDIR
64702 INC D
64703 LD E,B
64704 LD C,32
64706 DEC A
64707 JR NZ,64700
64709 LD D,88 Restore the top row of attribute bytes (22528-22559) from where they were saved earlier
64711 LDIR
64713 POP HL Restore the scroll counter (1-7) to H
64714 LD DE,256 Prepare the sound effect parameters
64717 LD C,96
64719 LD A,H
64720 CALL 64740 Make a sound effect
64723 DEC H Decrement the scroll counter
64724 JR NZ,64638 Jump back until we've scrolled the screen up and down 7 times
64726 LD HL,59552 Change the instruction at 59552 back to 'LD HL,32767'
64729 LD (HL),33
64731 LD L,220 Change the instruction at 59612 back to 'LD HL,32767'
64733 LD (HL),33
64735 JP 64582 Regenerate the table of mirrored values of 0-255 at 32256
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