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63455: Make ANGELFACE stalk HAYLEY
The address of this continual subcommand routine is placed into bytes 23 and 24 of ANGELFACE's buffer by command list 44. Sets ANGELFACE's destination to match HAYLEY's, presumably so he has a better chance of knocking her out with a random punch.
63455 LD DE,53533 Point DE at byte 29 of HAYLEY's buffer
63458 LD A,(DE) Pick this up in A
63459 RRCA Is HAYLEY's command list due to be restarted?
63460 JR C,63488 Jump if so
63462 LD E,4 Pick up the MSB of the routine address of the current command in HAYLEY's command list
63464 LD A,(DE)
63465 CP 100 Is it the routine at 25700 (go to a location)?
63467 JR NZ,63488 Jump if not
63469 LD DE,(53509) Copy the coordinates of HAYLEY's destination from bytes 5 and 6 of HAYLEY's buffer to DE
63473 LD (58850),DE Place these coordinates directly into command list 44
63477 LD L,4 Pick up the MSB of the routine address of the current command in ANGELFACE's command list
63479 LD A,(HL)
63480 CP 100 Is it the routine at 25700 (go to a location)?
63482 JR NZ,63488 Jump if not
63484 LD (52997),DE Copy HAYLEY's destination into bytes 5 and 6 of ANGELFACE's buffer (i.e. make it his destination too)
63488 JP 30706 Continue into 30706 (make ANGELFACE hit now and then)
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