Ref files

If you want to configure or augment an HTML disassembly, you will need one or more ref files. A ref file can be used to (for example):

  • add a ‘Bugs’ page on which bugs are documented

  • add a ‘Trivia’ page on which interesting facts are documented

  • add a ‘Pokes’ page on which useful POKEs are listed

  • add a ‘Changelog’ page

  • add a ‘Glossary’ page

  • add a ‘Graphic glitches’ page

  • add any other kind of custom page

  • change the title of the disassembly

  • define the layout of the disassembly index page

  • define the link text and titles for the various pages in the disassembly

  • define the location of the files and directories in the disassembly

  • define the colours used when creating images

A ref file must be formatted into sections separated by section names inside square brackets, like this:


The contents of each section that may be found in a ref file are described below.


The AudioWriter section contains configuration parameters that control audio file creation by the #AUDIO macro. The parameters are in the format:


Recognised parameters and their default values are:

  • ClockSpeed - Z80 clock speed in cycles per second: 3500000 (48K) or 3546900 (128K)

  • ContentionBegin - when memory contention begins, in T-states from the start of a frame: 14334 (48K) or 14361 (128K)

  • ContentionEnd - when memory contention ends, in T-states from the start of a frame: 57248 (48K) or 58041 (128K)

  • ContentionFactor - percentage slowdown when memory contention is in effect: 51

  • FrameDuration - length of a frame in T-states: 69888 (48K) or 70908 (128K)

  • InterruptDelay - delay in T-states caused by an interrupt routine: 942 (48K) or 1584 (128K)

  • SampleRate - sample rate in Hz: 44100




Added default values for the 128K model




The Colours section contains colour definitions that will be used when creating images. Each line has the form:





  • name is the colour name

  • R,G,B is a decimal RGB triplet

  • #RGB is a hexadecimal RGB triplet (in the usual 6-digit form, or in the short 3-digit form)

Recognised colour names and their default RGB values are:

  • TRANSPARENT: 0,254,0 (#00fe00)

  • BLACK: 0,0,0 (#000000)

  • BLUE: 0,0,197 (#0000c5)

  • RED: 197,0,0 (#c50000)

  • MAGENTA: 197,0,197 (#c500c5)

  • GREEN: 0,198,0 (#00c600)

  • CYAN: 0,198,197 (#00c6c5)

  • YELLOW: 197,198,0 (#c5c600)

  • WHITE: 205,198,205 (#cdc6cd)

  • BRIGHT_BLUE: 0,0,255 (#0000ff)

  • BRIGHT_RED: 255,0,0 (#ff0000)

  • BRIGHT_MAGENTA: 255,0,255 (#ff00ff)

  • BRIGHT_GREEN: 0,255,0 (#00ff00)

  • BRIGHT_CYAN: 0,255,255 (#00ffff)

  • BRIGHT_YELLOW: 255,255,0 (#ffff00)

  • BRIGHT_WHITE: 255,255,255 (#ffffff)




Added support for hexadecimal RGB triplets




The Config section contains configuration parameters in the format:


Recognised parameters are:

  • Expand - arbitrary text (intended to consist of one or more SMPL macros) that is expanded before any skool macros are expanded elsewhere in the ref file or in skool file annotations; this is similar to the @expand directive, but can be used to expand macros that are required only in HTML mode

  • GameDir - the root directory of the game’s HTML disassembly; if not specified, the base name of the skool file given on the command line will be used

  • HtmlWriterClass - the name of the Python class to use for writing the HTML disassembly of the game (default: skoolkit.skoolhtml.HtmlWriter); if the class is in a module that is not in the module search path (e.g. a standalone module that is not part of an installed package), the module’s location may be specified thus: /path/to/moduledir:module.classname

  • InitModule - the name of a Python module to import before the HTML writer class is imported; the module’s location may be specified in the same way as for HtmlWriterClass (see above)

  • RefFiles - a semicolon-separated list of extra ref files to use (after any that are automatically read by virtue of having the same filename prefix as the skool file, and before any others named on the command line)

The Expand parameter can be used along with the #INCLUDE macro to place all the text to be expanded in its own section. This is particularly useful when that text cannot easily be placed on a single line. For example:


; Multiple lines of text to be expanded here

For information on using the HtmlWriterClass parameter and creating your own Python class for writing an HTML disassembly, see the documentation on extending SkoolKit.

The InitModule parameter can be used to modify the built-in HtmlWriter class before it is imported by This is an alternative to creating your own HtmlWriter class that is suitable when the required modification is small.

Note that the Config section must appear in a ref file that is read automatically by by virtue of having the same filename root as the skool file given on the command line (i.e. game*.ref if the skool file is game.skool).




Added the Expand parameter


Added the InitModule parameter


Added the RefFiles parameter


Added support to the HtmlWriterClass parameter for specifying a module outside the module search path


Added the HtmlWriterClass parameter




The EntryGroups section defines groups of entries (routines and data blocks) whose disassembly pages can then be given custom titles and headers via the [Titles] and [PageHeaders] sections. Each line in this section has the form:



  • name is the entry group name

  • ADDR1, ADDR2 etc. are address specifications that identify the entries in the group

An address specification can be either a single address (e.g. 30000), or an address range (e.g. 30000-30010).

For example:


This defines an entry group named ‘SpriteVariables’ that consists of the entries at 32768 and any others between addresses 32770 and 32772 inclusive. The titles and headers of the disassembly pages for these entries can then be specified like this:

Asm-SpriteVariables=Sprite variable at {entry[address]}

Asm-SpriteVariables=Sprite variables

Entry group names may also be used in the Includes parameter of a [MemoryMap:*] section. For example:


This defines a memory map page named ‘SpriteVariables’ consisting of only the entries that belong to the group of the same name.




Added support for identifying entries by address ranges




The Game section contains configuration parameters that control certain aspects of the HTML output. The parameters are in the format:


Recognised parameters are:

  • Address - the format of the address fields on disassembly pages and memory map pages, and of the default link text for the #R macro when the target address has no label (default: ‘’); this format string recognises the replacement field address; if the format string is blank, the address is formatted exactly as it appears in the skool file (without any $ prefix)

  • AddressAnchor - the format of the anchors attached to instructions on disassembly pages and entries on memory map pages (default: {address})

  • AsmSinglePage - 1 to write the disassembly on a single page, or 0 to write a separate page for each routine and data block (default: 0)

  • AudioFormats - a comma separated list of audio file formats that the #AUDIO macro looks for before creating a WAV file (default: flac,mp3,ogg)

  • Bytes - the format specification for the bytes attribute of instruction objects in the asm and asm_single_page templates (default: ‘’); if not blank, assembled instruction byte values are displayed on disassembly pages

  • Copyright - the copyright message that appears in the footer of every page (default: ‘’)

  • Created - the message indicating the software used to create the disassembly that appears in the footer of every page (default: ‘Created using SkoolKit #VERSION.’)

  • DisassemblyTableNumCols - the number of columns in the disassembly table on disassembly pages (default: 5); this value is used by the asm and asm_single_page templates

  • Font - the base name of the font file to use (default: None); multiple font files can be declared by separating their names with semicolons

  • Game - the name of the game, which appears in the title of every page, and also in the header of every page (if no logo is defined); if not specified, the base name of the skool file is used

  • InputRegisterTableHeader - the text displayed in the header of input register tables on routine disassembly pages (default: ‘Input’)

  • JavaScript - the base name of the JavaScript file to include in every page (default: None); multiple JavaScript files can be declared by separating their names with semicolons

  • Length - the format of the length attribute of entry objects in HTML templates, which is used in the Length column on memory map pages (default: {size}); this format string recognises the replacement field size, equal to the size of the entry in bytes

  • LinkInternalOperands - 1 to hyperlink instruction operands that refer to an address in the same entry as the instruction, or 0 to leave them unlinked (default: 0)

  • LinkOperands - a comma-separated list of instruction types whose operands will be hyperlinked when possible (default: CALL,DEFW,DJNZ,JP,JR); add LD to the list to enable the address operands of LD instructions to be hyperlinked as well

  • Logo - the text/HTML that will serve as the game logo in the header of every page (typically a skool macro that creates a suitable image); if not specified, LogoImage is used

  • LogoImage - the path to the game logo image, which appears in the header of every page; if the specified file does not exist, the name of the game is used in place of an image

  • OutputRegisterTableHeader - the text displayed in the header of output register tables on routine disassembly pages (default: ‘Output’)

  • Release - the message indicating the release name and version number of the disassembly that appears in the footer of every page (default: ‘’)

  • StyleSheet - the base name of the CSS file to use (default: skoolkit.css); multiple CSS files can be declared by separating their names with semicolons

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

The AddressAnchor parameter contains a standard Python format string that specifies the format of the anchors attached to instructions on disassembly pages and entries on memory map pages. The default format string is {address}, which produces decimal addresses (e.g. #65280). To produce 4-digit, lower case hexadecimal addresses instead (e.g. #ff00), change AddressAnchor to {address:04x}. Or to produce 4-digit, upper case hexadecimal addresses if the --hex option is used with, and decimal addresses otherwise: {address#IF({mode[base]}==16)(:04X)}.




Added the AudioFormats parameter


Added the Address and Length parameters


Added the AsmSinglePage parameter


Added the Bytes and DisassemblyTableNumCols parameters


Every parameter (not just Logo) may contain skool macros


Added the AddressAnchor parameter


Added the LinkInternalOperands parameter


Set default values for the InputRegisterTableHeader and OutputRegisterTableHeader parameters; added the Copyright, Created and Release parameters (which used to live in the [Info] section in SkoolKit 3)


Added the JavaScript parameter


Added the Font, LogoImage and StyleSheet parameters (all of which used to live in the [Paths] section, LogoImage by the name Logo)


Added the LinkOperands parameter


Added the InputRegisterTableHeader and OutputRegisterTableHeader parameters


Added the Logo parameter


The ImageWriter section contains configuration parameters that control SkoolKit’s image creation library. The parameters are in the format:


Recognised parameters are:

  • PNGAlpha - the default alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour in a PNG image, where 0 means fully transparent, and 255 means fully opaque (default: 255)

  • PNGCompressionLevel - the compression level (0-9) to use for PNG image data, where 0 means no compression, 1 is the lowest compression level, and 9 is the highest (default: 9)

  • PNGEnableAnimation - 1 to create animated PNGs (in APNG format) for images that contain flashing cells, or 0 to create plain (unanimated) PNG files for such images (default: 1)




Added the PNGAlpha and PNGEnableAnimation parameters




The Index section contains a list of link group IDs in the order in which the link groups will appear on the disassembly index page. The link groups themselves - with the exception of OtherCode - are defined in [Index:*:*] sections. OtherCode is a special built-in link group that contains links to the index pages of secondary disassemblies defined by [OtherCode:*] sections.

To see the default Index section, run the following command:

$ -r Index$






Each Index:*:* section defines a link group (a group of links on the disassembly home page). The section names and contents take the form:



  • groupID is the link group ID (as may be declared in the [Index] section)

  • text is the text of the link group header

  • Page1ID, Page2ID etc. are the IDs of the pages that will appear in the link group

To see the default link groups and their contents, run the following command:

$ -r Index:






Each MemoryMap:* section defines the properties of a memory map page. The section names take the form:


where PageID is the unique ID of the memory map page.

Each MemoryMap:* section contains parameters in the form:


Recognised parameters and their default values are:

  • EntryDescriptions - 1 to display entry descriptions, or 0 not to (default: 0)

  • EntryTypes - the types of entries to show in the map (by default, no types are shown); entry types are identified as follows:

    • b - DEFB blocks

    • c - routines

    • g - game status buffer entries

    • s - blocks containing bytes that are all the same value

    • t - messages

    • u - unused addresses

    • w - DEFW blocks

  • Includes - a comma-separated list of entries to include on the memory map page in addition to those specified by the EntryTypes parameter; each item in the list may be a single address, an address range (e.g. 30000-30010), or the name of an entry group defined in the [EntryGroups] section

  • Intro - the text (which may contain HTML markup) displayed at the top of the memory map page (default: ‘’)

  • LabelColumn - 1 to display the ‘Label’ column if any entries have ASM labels defined, or 0 not to (default: 0)

  • LengthColumn - 1 to display the ‘Length’ column, or 0 not to (default: 0); see also the Length parameter in the [Game] section

  • PageByteColumns - 1 to display ‘Page’ and ‘Byte’ columns, or 0 not to (default: 0)

  • Write - 1 to write the memory map page, or 0 not to (default: 1)

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

To see the default memory map pages and their properties, run the following command:

$ -r MemoryMap

A custom memory map page can be defined by creating a MemoryMap:* section for it. By default, the page will be written to maps/PageID.html; to change this, add a line to the [Paths] section. The title, page header and link text for the custom memory map page can be defined in the [Titles], [PageHeaders] and [Links] sections.

Every memory map page is built using the HTML template whose name matches the page ID, if one exists; otherwise, the stock Layout template is used.




Added support for address ranges in the Includes parameter


The EntryTypes parameter defaults to an empty string


Added the LabelColumn parameter


Added the Includes parameter


Every parameter (not just Intro) may contain skool macros


Added the EntryDescriptions and LengthColumn parameters




An OtherCode:* section defines a secondary disassembly that will appear under ‘Other code’ on the main disassembly home page. The section name takes the form:


where CodeID is a unique ID for the secondary disassembly; it must be limited to the characters ‘$’, ‘#’, 0-9, A-Z and a-z. The unique ID may be used by the #R macro when referring to routines or data blocks in the secondary disassembly from another disassembly.

An OtherCode:* section may either be empty or contain a single parameter named Source in the form:


where fname is the path to the skool file from which to generate the secondary disassembly. If the Source parameter is not provided, its value defaults to CodeID.skool.

When a secondary disassembly named CodeID is defined, the following page and directory IDs become available for use in the [Paths], [Titles], [PageHeaders] and [Links] sections:

  • CodeID-Index - the ID of the index page

  • CodeID-Asm-* - the IDs of the disassembly pages (* is one of bcgstuw, depending on the entry type)

  • CodeID-CodePath - the ID of the directory in which the disassembly pages are written

  • CodeID-AsmSinglePage - the ID of the disassembly page (when writing a single-page disassembly)

By default, the index page is written to CodeID/CodeID.html, and the disassembly pages are written in a directory named CodeID; if a single-page template is used, the disassembly page is written to CodeID/asm.html.

Note that the index page is a memory map page, and as such can be configured by creating a [MemoryMap:*] section (MemoryMap:CodeID-Index) for it.




Made the Source parameter optional




A Page:* section either declares a page that already exists, or defines a custom page in the HTML disassembly. The section name takes the form:


where PageID is a unique ID for the page. The unique ID may be used in an [Index:*:*] section to create a link to the page in the disassembly index.

A Page:* section contains parameters in the form:


Recognised parameters are:

  • Content - the path (directory and filename) of a page that already exists; when this parameter is supplied, no others are required

  • JavaScript - the base name of the JavaScript file to use in addition to any declared by the JavaScript parameter in the [Game] section (default: None); multiple JavaScript files can be declared by separating their names with semicolons

  • PageContent - the HTML source of the body of the page; the #INCLUDE macro may be used here to include the contents of a separate ref file section

  • SectionPrefix - the prefix of the names of the ref file sections from which to build the entries on a box page

  • SectionType - how to parse and render box page entry sections (when SectionPrefix is defined): as single-line list items with indentation (ListItems), as multi-line list items prefixed by ‘-’ (BulletPoints), or as paragraphs (the default)

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

Note that the Content, SectionPrefix and PageContent parameters are mutually exclusive (and that is their order of precedence); one of them must be present.

By default, the custom page is written to a file named PageID.html in the root directory of the disassembly; to change this, add a line to the [Paths] section. The title, page header and link text for the custom page default to ‘PageID’, but can be overridden in the [Titles], [PageHeaders] and [Links] sections.

Every custom page is built using the HTML template whose name matches the page ID, if one exists; otherwise, the Layout template is used.




Added support for SectionType=BulletPoints; every parameter (not just PageContent) may contain skool macros


Added the SectionType parameter


Added the SectionPrefix parameter


The JavaScript parameter specifies the JavaScript file(s) to use




The PageHeaders section defines the header text for every page in the HTML disassembly. Each line has the form:



  • PageID is the ID of the page

  • prefix is the page header prefix (displayed to the left of the game logo); if present, this must be separated from the suffix by <>

  • suffix is the page header suffix (displayed to the right of the game logo)

Recognised page IDs are:

  • Asm-b - disassembly pages for ‘b’ blocks (default: ‘Data’)

  • Asm-c - disassembly pages for ‘c’ blocks (default: ‘Routines’)

  • Asm-g - disassembly pages for ‘g’ blocks (default: ‘Game status buffer’)

  • Asm-s - disassembly pages for ‘s’ blocks (default: ‘Unused’)

  • Asm-t - disassembly pages for ‘t’ blocks (default: ‘Messages’)

  • Asm-u - disassembly pages for ‘u’ blocks (default: ‘Unused’)

  • Asm-w - disassembly pages for ‘w’ blocks (default: ‘Data’)

  • AsmSinglePage - the disassembly page (when writing a single-page disassembly)

  • Bugs - the ‘Bugs’ page

  • Changelog - the ‘Changelog’ page

  • DataMap - the ‘Data’ memory map page

  • Facts - the ‘Trivia’ page

  • GameIndex - the disassembly index page (default: ‘The complete<>RAM disassembly’)

  • GameStatusBuffer - the ‘Game status buffer’ page

  • Glossary - the ‘Glossary’ page

  • GraphicGlitches - the ‘Graphic glitches’ page

  • MemoryMap - the ‘Everything’ memory map page

  • MessagesMap - the ‘Messages’ memory map page

  • Pokes - the ‘Pokes’ page

  • RoutinesMap - the ‘Routines’ memory map page

  • UnusedMap - the ‘Unused addresses’ memory map page

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

The default header text for a page is the same as the title defined in the [Titles] section, except where indicated above.

The Asm-* parameters are formatted with an entry dictionary identical to the one that is available in the asm template.

The header text for a page defined by a [MemoryMap:*], [OtherCode:*] or [Page:*] section defaults to the page’s title, but can be overridden in this section.

The header text of each disassembly page for the entries belonging to a group defined in the [EntryGroups] section also defaults to the page’s title, but can be overridden in this section.




Added support for specifying a prefix and suffix; an entry dictionary is available when formatting Asm-* parameters; added the GameIndex page ID


The default header for Asm-t pages is ‘Messages’; page headers may contain skool macros


Added the AsmSinglePage page ID




The Paths section defines the locations of the files and directories in the HTML disassembly. Each line has the form:



  • ID is the ID of the file or directory

  • path is the path of the file or directory relative to the root directory of the disassembly

Recognised file IDs and their default paths are:

  • AsmSinglePage - the disassembly page (when writing a single-page disassembly; default: asm.html)

  • Bugs - the ‘Bugs’ page (default: reference/bugs.html)

  • Changelog - the ‘Changelog’ page (default: reference/changelog.html)

  • CodeFiles - the format of the disassembly page filenames (default: {address}.html)

  • DataMap - the ‘Data’ memory map page (default: maps/data.html)

  • Facts - the ‘Trivia’ page (default: reference/facts.html)

  • GameIndex - the home page (default: index.html)

  • GameStatusBuffer - the ‘Game status buffer’ page (default: buffers/gbuffer.html)

  • Glossary - the ‘Glossary’ page (default: reference/glossary.html)

  • GraphicGlitches - the ‘Graphic glitches’ page (default: graphics/glitches.html)

  • MemoryMap - the ‘Everything’ memory map page (default: maps/all.html)

  • MessagesMap - the ‘Messages’ memory map page (default: maps/messages.html)

  • Pokes - the ‘Pokes’ page (default: reference/pokes.html)

  • RoutinesMap - the ‘Routines’ memory map page (default: maps/routines.html)

  • UDGFilename - the format of the default filename for images created by the #UDG macro (default: udg{addr}_{attr}x{scale}); this is a standard Python format string that recognises the macro parameters addr, attr and scale

  • UnusedMap - the ‘Unused addresses’ memory map page (default: maps/unused.html)

Recognised directory IDs and their default paths are:

  • AudioPath - the directory in which audio files are assumed to be by the #AUDIO macro (default: audio)

  • CodePath - the directory in which the disassembly pages are written (default: asm)

  • FontImagePath - the directory in which font images (created by the #FONT macro) are placed (default: {ImagePath}/font)

  • FontPath - the directory in which font files specified by the Font parameter in the [Game] section are placed (default: .)

  • ImagePath - the base directory in which images are placed (default: images)

  • JavaScriptPath - the directory in which JavaScript files specified by the JavaScript parameter in the [Game] section and [Page:*] sections are placed (default: .)

  • ScreenshotImagePath - the directory in which screenshot images (created by the #SCR macro) are placed (default: {ImagePath}/scr)

  • StyleSheetPath - the directory in which CSS files specified by the StyleSheet parameter in the [Game] section are placed (default: .)

  • UDGImagePath - the directory in which UDG images (created by the #UDG or #UDGARRAY macro) are placed (default: {ImagePath}/udgs)

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

The CodeFiles parameter contains a standard Python format string that specifies the format of a disassembly page filename based on the address of the routine or data block. The default format string is {address}.html, which produces decimal addresses (e.g. 65280.html). To produce 4-digit, upper case hexadecimal addresses instead (e.g. FF00.html), change CodeFiles to {address:04X}.html. Or to produce 4-digit, upper case hexadecimal addresses if the --hex option is used with, and decimal addresses otherwise: {address#IF({mode[base]}==16)(:04X)}.html.




Added the AudioPath directory ID


Added the ImagePath directory ID and the ability to define one image path ID in terms of another


Paths may contain skool macros; added the UDGFilename parameter (which used to live in the [Game] section)


Added the AsmSinglePage file ID


Added the CodeFiles file ID


Added the FontPath directory ID


Added the UnusedMap file ID


Added the Changelog file ID


Added the CodePath directory ID


Added the FontImagePath directory ID




The Resources section lists files that will be copied into the disassembly build directory when is run. Each line has the form:



  • fname is the name of the file to copy

  • destDir is the destination directory, relative to the root directory of the disassembly; the directory will be created if it doesn’t already exist

The files to be copied must be present in’s search path in order for it to find them. To see the search path, run:

$ -s

fname may contain the special wildcard characters *, ? and [], which are expanded as follows:

  • * - matches any number of characters

  • ** - matches any files and zero or more directories and subdirectories

  • ? - matches any single character

  • [seq] - matches any character in seq; seq may be a simple sequence of characters (e.g. abcde) or a range (e.g. a-e)

  • [!seq] - matches any character not in seq

If destDir contains a path ID replacement field (e.g. {AudioPath}), the corresponding parameter value from the [Paths] section will be substituted.

If your disassembly requires pre-built images or other resources that SkoolKit does not build, listing them in this section ensures that they will be copied into place whenever the disassembly is built.




Added support for path ID replacement fields in the destDir parameter


Added support for the ** pattern


Added support for pathname pattern expansion using wildcard characters




Each Template:* section defines a template used to build an HTML page (or part of one).

To see the contents of the default templates, run the following command:

$ -r Template:

For more information, see HTML templates.






The Titles section defines the title (i.e. text used to compose the <title> element) for every page in the HTML disassembly. Each line has the form:



  • PageID is the ID of the page

  • title is the page title

Recognised page IDs and their default titles are:

  • Asm-b - disassembly pages for ‘b’ blocks (default: ‘Data at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-c - disassembly pages for ‘c’ blocks (default: ‘Routine at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-g - disassembly pages for ‘g’ blocks (default: ‘Game status buffer entry at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-s - disassembly pages for ‘s’ blocks (default: ‘Unused RAM at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-t - disassembly pages for ‘t’ blocks (default: ‘Text at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-u - disassembly pages for ‘u’ blocks (default: ‘Unused RAM at {entry[address]}’)

  • Asm-w - disassembly pages for ‘w’ blocks (default: ‘Data at {entry[address]}’)

  • AsmSinglePage - the disassembly page (when writing a single-page disassembly; default: ‘Disassembly’)

  • Bugs - the ‘Bugs’ page (default: ‘Bugs’)

  • Changelog - the ‘Changelog’ page (default: ‘Changelog’)

  • DataMap - the ‘Data’ memory map page (default: ‘Data’)

  • Facts - the ‘Trivia’ page (default: ‘Trivia’)

  • GameIndex - the disassembly index page (default: ‘Index’)

  • GameStatusBuffer - the ‘Game status buffer’ page (default: ‘Game status buffer’)

  • Glossary - the ‘Glossary’ page (default: ‘Glossary’)

  • GraphicGlitches - the ‘Graphic glitches’ page (default: ‘Graphic glitches’)

  • MemoryMap - the ‘Everything’ memory map page (default: ‘Memory map’)

  • MessagesMap - the ‘Messages’ memory map page (default: ‘Messages’)

  • Pokes - the ‘Pokes’ page (default: ‘Pokes’)

  • RoutinesMap - the ‘Routines’ memory map page (default: ‘Routines’)

  • UnusedMap - the ‘Unused addresses’ memory map page (default: ‘Unused addresses’)

Every parameter in this section may contain skool macros.

The Asm-* parameters are formatted with an entry dictionary identical to the one that is available in the asm template.

The title of a page defined by a [MemoryMap:*], [OtherCode:*] or [Page:*] section defaults to the page ID, but can be overridden in this section.

The title of each disassembly page for the entries belonging to a group defined in the [EntryGroups] section defaults to the title for that page’s entry type, but can be overridden in this section.




An entry dictionary is available when formatting Asm-* parameters; the default title for each Asm-* page includes the entry address as a replacement field


The default title for Asm-t pages is ‘Text at’; titles may contain skool macros


Added the AsmSinglePage page ID


Added the Asm-* page IDs


Added the UnusedMap page ID


Added the Changelog page ID



Box pages

A ‘box page’ is an HTML page that contains entries (blocks of arbitrary text) distinguished by alternating background colours, and a table of contents (links to each entry). It is defined by a [Page:*] section that contains a SectionPrefix parameter, which determines the prefix of the ref file sections from which the entries are built.

SkoolKit defines some box pages by default. Their names and the ref file sections that can be used to define their entries are as follows:

  • Bugs - [Bug:title] or [Bug:anchor:title]

  • Changelog - [Changelog:title] or [Changelog:anchor:title]

  • Facts - [Fact:title] or [Fact:anchor:title]

  • Glossary - [Glossary:title] or [Glossary:anchor:title]

  • GraphicGlitches - [GraphicGlitch:title] or [GraphicGlitch:anchor:title]

  • Pokes - [Poke:title] or [Poke:anchor:title]

To see the contents of the default [Page:*] sections, run the following command:

$ -r Page:

If anchor is omitted from an entry section name, it defaults to the title converted to lower case with parentheses and whitespace characters replaced by underscores.

By default, a box page entry section is parsed as a sequence of paragraphs separated by blank lines. For example:

First paragraph.

Second paragraph.


However, if the SectionType parameter in the [Page:*] section is set to ListItems, each entry section is parsed as a sequence of single-line list items with indentation. For example:

Intro text.

First top-level item.
  First subitem.
  Second subitem.
    First subsubitem.

Second top-level item.

The intro text and the first top-level item must be separated by a blank line. Lower-level items are created by using indentation, as shown. Blank lines between items are optional and are ignored. If the intro text is a single hyphen (-), it is not included in the final HTML rendering.

If your list items are long, you might prefer to set the SectionType parameter to BulletPoints; in that case, each entry section is parsed as a sequence of multi-line list items prefixed by ‘-’. For example:

Intro text.

- First top-level item,
  split over two lines.
  - First subitem, also
    split over two lines.
  - Second subitem, on one line this time.
    - First subsubitem,
      this time split
      over three lines.

- Second top-level item.

An entry section’s anchor, title and contents may contain HTML markup and skool macros.

Changed in version 6.0: Added support for parsing an entry section as a sequence of multi-line list items prefixed by ‘-’ (SectionType=BulletPoints). The anchor and title of an entry section name may contain skool macros.

Changed in version 5.4: The anchor part of an entry section name is optional.

Appending content

Content may be appended to an existing ref file section defined elsewhere by adding a ‘+’ suffix to the section name. For example, to add a line to the [Game] section:


New in version 7.0.

Ref file comments

A comment may be added to a ref file by starting a line with a semicolon. For example:

; This is a comment

If a non-comment line in a ref file section needs to start with a semicolon, it can be escaped by doubling it:

;; This is not a ref file comment

The content of this section will be rendered thus:

; This is not a ref file comment

Square brackets

If a ref file section needs to contain a line that looks like a section header (i.e. like [SectionName]), then to prevent that line from being parsed as a section header it can be escaped by doubling the opening square bracket:

[[This is not a section header]

The content of this section will be rendered thus:

[This is not a section header]

In fact, any line that starts with two opening square brackets will be rendered with the first one removed.

New in version 4.0.