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63191: Make MR CREAK reveal his safe combination letter if appropriate
Used by the routine at 32132. A teacher is standing at the doorway of a classroom, ready to tell the kids to sit down; this routine checks whether the teacher is MR CREAK, and if it is, makes him reveal his safe combination letter if his birth year has been written on the blackboard by ERIC, and ERIC has not yet opened the safe.
H Teacher's character number (163-166)
L 122
63191 CALL 63734 Return unless we're dealing with CREAK and ERIC has not yet opened the safe
63194 RET C
63195 CALL 64016 Return unless CREAK is near a blackboard last written on by ERIC
63198 RET NZ
63199 LD A,E A=56 (Reading Room blackboard) or 58 (White Room blackboard)
63200 SUB 181
63202 PUSH HL Save CREAK's character number
63203 LD L,A HL=32680 (Reading Room blackboard contents buffer) or 32686 (White Room blackboard contents buffer)
63204 ADD A,A
63205 ADD A,L
63206 NOP
63207 LD L,A
63208 LD H,D
Check whether CREAK's birth year has been written on the board.
63209 LD E,155 DE=32667 (which holds CREAK's year of birth)
63211 LD B,4 There are 4 digits in CREAK's year of birth
63213 LD A,(DE) A=digit from CREAK's year of birth
63214 INC E Move DE along to the next digit
63215 CP (HL) Compare the digit with the character written on the board
63216 JR NZ,63226 Jump if they don't match
63218 INC L Move to the next character written on the board
63219 DJNZ 63213 Jump back until all 4 digits have been checked
The first four characters written on the board by ERIC match the digits in MR CREAK's year of birth.
63221 POP HL Restore CREAK's character number (166) to H
63222 PUSH HL Save it again
63223 CALL 63856 Reveal CREAK's safe combination letter
63226 POP HL Restore CREAK's character number (166) to H
63227 LD BC,61889 Set BC to 61889 (SILENCE! OR I'LL CANE THE LOT OF YOU) before returning
63230 RET
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