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The address of this routine is found in the table of addresses. It is called via a calculator literal (224 to 229) by the routines at BEEP, FOR, NEXT, NEXT_LOOP, CIRCLE, DRAW, CD_PRMS1, DEC_TO_FP, e_to_fp, PRINT_FP, series, n_mod_m, int, exp and cos.
This subroutine is called using the literals 224 to 229 and the parameter derived from these literals is held in the A register. The subroutine calls LOC_MEM to put the required source address into the HL register pair and duplicate to copy the five bytes involved from the calculator's memory area to the top of the calculator stack to form a new 'last value'.
A Index of the required memory area (0 to 5)
DE Destination address
HL Destination address (as DE on entry)
get_mem 13327 PUSH DE Save the result pointer.
13328 LD HL,(23656) Fetch the pointer to the current memory area (MEM).
13331 CALL LOC_MEM The base address is found.
13334 CALL duplicate The five bytes are moved.
13337 POP HL Set the result pointer.
13338 RET Finished.
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