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28186: Print a number
Used by the routines at 28295, 28337 and 28760. Computes the ASCII codes for the digits of the number in HL, stores them in the buffer at 32714, and then prints them.
DE Display file address
HL Number to print
28186 PUSH DE Save the display file address
28187 EX DE,HL Transfer the number to print to DE
28188 LD HL,32719 Fill the number string buffer at 32714 with space characters
28191 LD B,5
28193 DEC L
28194 LD (HL),32
28196 DJNZ 28193
28198 LD A,48 48 is the ASCII code for the digit '0'
28200 LD BC,55536 BC=-10000
28203 EX DE,HL Transfer the number to print to HL
28204 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=10000?
28205 JR C,28235 Jump if so to compute and store the 10000s digit
28207 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 1000s digit in the number string buffer
28208 SBC HL,BC Add the 10000 back
28210 LD BC,64536 BC=-1000
28213 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=1000?
28214 JR C,28248 Jump if so to compute and store the 1000s digit
28216 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 100s digit in the number string buffer
28217 SBC HL,BC Add the 1000 back
28219 LD BC,65436 BC=-100
28222 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=100?
28223 JR C,28261 Jump if so to compute and store the 100s digit
28225 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 10s digit in the number string buffer
28226 SBC HL,BC Add the 100 back
28228 LD C,246 BC=-10
28230 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=10?
28231 JR C,28273 Jump if so to compute and store the 10s digit
28233 JR 28280 Jump forward to compute and store the units digit
Compute and store the 10000s digit.
28235 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 10000s digit in A
28236 ADD HL,BC
28237 JR C,28235
28239 LD (DE),A Place the 10000s digit into the number string buffer
28240 SBC HL,BC
28242 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 1000s digit
28243 LD A,47
28245 LD BC,64536 BC=-1000
Compute and store the 1000s digit.
28248 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 1000s digit in A
28249 ADD HL,BC
28250 JR C,28248
28252 LD (DE),A Place the 1000s digit into the number string buffer
28253 LD A,47
28255 SBC HL,BC
28257 LD BC,65436 BC=-100
28260 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 100s digit
Compute and store the 100s digit.
28261 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 100s digit in A
28262 ADD HL,BC
28263 JR C,28261
28265 LD (DE),A Place the 100s digit into the number string buffer
28266 LD A,47
28268 SBC HL,BC
28270 LD C,246 BC=-10
28272 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 10s digit
Compute and store the 10s digit.
28273 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 10s digit in A
28274 ADD HL,BC
28275 JR C,28273
28277 LD (DE),A Place the 10s digit into the number string buffer
28278 LD A,48
Compute and store the units digit.
28280 SBC HL,BC
28282 INC E Point DE at the slot for the units digit
28283 ADD A,L A=ASCII code for the units digit
28284 LD (DE),A Place it into the number string buffer
The number string buffer is now ready.
28285 LD E,202 DE=32714 (start of the number string buffer)
28287 POP HL Restore the display file address to HL
28288 EX DE,HL Transfer it to DE, and point HL at the number string buffer at 32714
28289 JP 28160 Print the number
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