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62032: Make MR WACKER put the kids in detention
Used by command list 72. Builds a detention message (using a random noun and verb) and makes MR WACKER deliver it.
62032 LD A,(32767) A=leftmost column of the play area on screen
62035 CP 48 Is the stage off-screen to the right?
62037 RET C Return if so
62038 CP 88 Is the stage off-screen to the left?
62040 RET NC Return if so
62041 CALL 25233 A=random number
62044 LD DE,32652 Point DE at the first byte of message 10, which will be the verb
62047 LD L,A Save the random number in L briefly
62048 AND 7 Store the verb message number (144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 or 151) at 32652
62050 ADD A,144
62052 LD (DE),A
62053 LD A,L Restore the random number to A
62054 RRCA Set A to another random number from 0 to 7
62055 RRCA
62056 RRCA
62057 AND 7
62059 LD E,142 Point DE at the first byte of message 11, which will be the noun
62061 ADD A,152 Store the noun message number (152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 or 159) at 32654
62063 LD (DE),A
62064 LD E,96 Message 96: YOU'RE ALL IN DETENTION...
62066 LD BC,27144 Redirect control to the routine at 27144 (make character speak) and then return to 62072 (below)
62069 CALL 25503
Control of MR WACKER resumes here when he has finished delivering the detention message.
62072 EX DE,HL Save MR WACKER's character number in D briefly
62073 LD HL,32640 Reset bit 6 (ERIC no longer has to be in the assembly hall) and bit 7 (the kids can stand up now) at 32640
62076 RES 7,(HL)
62078 RES 6,(HL)
62080 NOP
62081 NOP
62082 NOP
62083 NOP
62084 LD L,228 Set the MSB of the lesson clock to 1 so that the bell will ring soon
62086 LD (HL),1
62088 EX DE,HL Restore MR WACKER's character number (200) to H
62089 JP 25484 Move to the next command in the command list
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