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31746: Print the inventory
Used by the routines at 23863, 23907, 30804, 62178 and 63586. Prints the safe key, Science Lab storeroom key, frog, water pistol and stinkbombs, depending on which of these items ERIC has in his possession. (The mouse inventory is handled separately at 31682.)
31746 LD HL,32746 L=234 (LSB of the display file address for the first slot in the inventory: 20714)
31749 LD C,6 Clear the six slots in the current on-screen inventory
31751 LD H,80
31753 LD B,8
31755 LD (HL),0
31757 INC H
31758 DJNZ 31755
31760 INC L
31761 DEC C
31762 JR NZ,31751
31764 LD DE,20714 DE=display file address for the first slot in the inventory
31767 LD BC,39144 The safe key UDG is at 39144
31770 LD HL,32747 32747 holds the inventory flags
31773 LD A,6 INK 6
31775 BIT 0,(HL) Has ERIC got the safe key?
31777 CALL NZ,31844 Print it if so
31780 INC B BC=39400: Science Lab storeroom key UDG
31781 LD A,7 INK 7
31783 BIT 1,(HL) Has ERIC got the Science Lab storeroom key?
31785 CALL NZ,31844 Print it if so
31788 LD A,4 INK 4
31790 INC B BC=39656: frog UDG
31791 BIT 2,(HL) Has ERIC got the frog?
31793 CALL NZ,31844 Print it if so
31796 INC B BC=39912: water pistol UDG (left half)
31797 BIT 3,(HL) Has ERIC got the water pistol?
31799 JR Z,31819 Jump if not
31801 LD A,5 INK 5 for the water-filled pistol
31803 BIT 4,(HL) Has ERIC got the water pistol with sherry in it?
31805 JR Z,31809 Jump if not
31807 LD A,67 INK 3: BRIGHT 1 for the sherry-filled pistol
31809 PUSH AF
31810 CALL 31844 Print the left half of the water pistol
31813 POP AF
31814 INC B BC=40168: water pistol UDG (right half)
31815 CALL 31844 Print the right half of the water pistol
31818 DEC B
31819 INC B
31820 INC B BC=40424: 3 stinkbombs UDG
31821 LD A,7 INK 7
31823 BIT 5,(HL) Has ERIC got 3 stinkbombs?
31825 JR NZ,31837 Jump if so
31827 INC B BC=40680: 2 stinkbombs UDG
31828 BIT 6,(HL) Has ERIC got 2 stinkbombs?
31830 JR NZ,31837 Jump if so
31832 BIT 7,(HL) Has ERIC got 1 stinkbomb?
31834 JR Z,31840 Jump if not
31836 INC B BC=40936: 1 stinkbomb UDG
31837 CALL 31844 Print the stinkbombs
31840 LD H,210 210=ERIC
31842 RET
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